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Kecam diriku penuh dengan makian, cacian!
Seakan diri ini tertampar, terhempas lepas..
Darah Hitam,Pekat..Kebencian!
Beban akalku suram buram, tertekan..
Remukan hasratku, taklukan keras jiwaku..
Kau maki aku..

Darah Hitam Kebencian..Penuhi nafsuku
Darah Hitam Kebencian..Pekat,
Pekatkan Hitamku..

Resapi diriku yang kau anggap bencana, selami hidupku
yang kau pandang suram, jangan pernah kau lihat aku sampah
akan kutunjukan tajam taringku..



We are.. We are from slum
Breed in Blasphemy
We will bleed..

We will bleed for you !

We will bleed for sure
for what We believe
We will set the fight

You can see this pieces of Lust
There's no place to hide

This is reality


Today my heart is dying
No more feeling, just a fucking thing..
Bitter taste of desperate..

Reject, dissapoint is the word
For many excuses
I've lost in my own faith..

Sold my heart to nothingness
Broken faith i cannot fix
My heart is dying...

Give me one last breath
To prove myself right

Shadow Of Sorrow..
Just A fucking thing,
Kill Me !

Give me one last breath
To prove myself right
Give me one last breath
To live my way,To live my hate..

Shadow Of Sorrow..


Kerdil jiwaku hadapi dunia
Rentetan caci maki..
Terus menari dalam lingkaran.. Setan!

Aku terbuang, terisolasi.. Laknat!

Terus mencari pemuas nafsuku,
Pekat, kelam jiwaku
Dan ku tak pernah peduli
Merangkak dalam kelam..

Laknat.. Laknat.. Laknat..

Aku terbuang, terisolasi.. Laknat!
Chaotic Verse and Lyrics by .. Satan!


Disini Aku berpijak dalam keresahan
Disini jiwa menampik perubahan yang semu
Akan dirimu..
This is my broken faith..

Telah Kucoba untuk kokoh berpijak
Pada keyakinan yang melepuh
Beri kekuatan, Beri keyakinan..

Hey You Sucker,I will through this fucking Hell..
Akan Ku hisap bau Neraka, Akan teguk pekat darahmu!

Lelah kupendam terasa, tak mampu melawan hasrat
Lelah kupendam terasa, tak mampu...


Let me breathing..
I got no cash, i got no place to stay
What a worthless life?
I got no plan, i got no future yet
Everything just same old bullshit

Why i can't stop to complaining this way?
Why i cannot stand..
Make me suffer to death
Make me lost my mind.. Why?
Why i cannot stand?

Nothing new and nothing change
I got no pride to live my life
I need more space to change my destiny
Everything so dark...Unpredictable...

I need friend to sharing
For these so much pain
All the faith despair..
I need friend to heal,
For this so much hurt
I cant through this hell..
I cant through this hell..


Anjing tanah.. Liar!
Hisap jiwaku (Sampah) binatang!
Hunus nafsuku, terjerat setan!

Nafsu yang terus menjalar, menusuk nadi tak pernah
berhenti, terus kau rayu aku, Jalang!

Anjing tanah..

Kau, racun nafsu terliar
Injak kerdil jiwa
Rapuh asaku..

Anjing tanah, liar..
Tampar norma (rendah) binatang
Rajam otakku, menjerat..

Nafsu yang terus membakar hanguskan religi tanpa terhalang,
terus kau ikat aku, Jalang!

Anjing, lantang kau menyalak
Julurkan lidah liurmu
Kau nikmati panas darahku,
Kau lucuti bijak akalku
Kau nikmati panas nafsuku
Kau lucuti...


In this stillness, stiff and cold
Drowning into the hole, pale face got last resort
Goodbye ..

All your hope left, by your soul flying
I'll pray for you ...
For the last time, i want to see you again my friend
Now you're in eternal life, now you're in eternal life
Rotting away ..

You passed away, in a prophet ways
With the needle in your hand,
Agony injected .. With no regret
Worthless piece of life, drag you down to last escape !

Bitter taste of pain, within your desperate
You're gone forever, Goodbye ..


Let me healing cure for madness
I'll reborn, i'll reborn..
Incarnated holy sin
buttfucked all sinners
Revealed the disease, spreading the hatred..

Agony Remain Insane..

Worthless life terrorized
I'm a weak and have no gut
Remain insane..

Get it lost...Get it lost!
Too scare to hear you.. I lost
Withers in my autumn soul.

Shattered faith.. Scattered brain.. Lost!

I can't feel my wrath anymore,i'm stuck in my autumn soul..
Stuck in my autumn soul!


Satu langkah ke depan dan tetap lurus
panggil aku keras kepala dan bodoh
lelah hanya fisik mental semata
tetap lurus karena ada harapan..


Kau halangi aku dalam berjalan jatuhkanku
Bila memang kau mampu
Racun aku dengan petuah kosongmu
Racun aku dengan cara hidupmu..


Aku tak akan pernah beranjak
Aku tak akan berubah
Aku tak akan mau dewasa,
Bila dewasa sepertimu aku tak mau
Aku tak akan pernah beranjak
Aku akan tetap berdiri
Aku akan tatap bertahan
Walau halangan selalu tetap membayang..

Satu langkah besar tetap ke depan
Tetap lurus karena ada harapan
Lelah hanya fisik mental semata
Tetap laju terbuka dan terpola
Coba halangi, coba jatuhkan
percuma karena aku bertahan
dewasa aku tak akan berubah
Ini aku, ku atur jalan hidupku..

Crawling In Disgrace! 
So much pain, that i cannot pretend 
Restless soul shocking in hollowness.. In hollowness! 
Emptiness this soul completelly this hole 
Reallity of this fate is denied in this only hope 
choose in my own path.. 
I dont feel allright.. 
I neverable being careless.. 
How can i explain in despair?, i will walk through this hell 
Ya Tuhan begitu pekatnya ruang jiwaku
 hanya kematian terus samar memanggil 
singkirkan harapan yang terus memudar 
Semakin tak bermakna, semakin tak bercahaya 
Inikah garis hidup yang tak terberkati..
I will walk.. through this Hell.. 
Heal this wounded soul!
Heal this soul, 
I'm just an empty word, sound of meaningless 
Buried in speechless.. Despair! 
How can i explain in despair? 
How can i explain from despair? 
 i will walk through this hell 
Shut up!